The Do's and Dont's of DIY Skincare

There’s definitely something alluring about DIY skincare: it’s affordable, you can find most of the ingredients in your kitchen, and many DIY recipes yield great results. That said, you do not need to be careful when it comes to DIY beauty, as it’s easy to end up irritating your skin — especially if you already have sensitive skin.
Here are the do’s & don’ts of DIY skincare, so you can get the best results out of your pantry without experiencing undesirable side effects.
DO: Use the Right Natural Ingredients
According to dermatologists, the safest and most effective natural ingredients to use when creating DIY skincare products include honey, aloe vera, green tea, yogurt, and natural oils like olive and coconut oil.
These ingredients are loaded with antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can work wonders for your skin.
Honey, coconut oil, and olive oil work as excellent natural moisturizers, providing hydration to the skin while aloe, green tea, and yogurt help to soothe inflammation.
DON’T: Use Walnut Shells for Scrubs
You need to be especially careful when making DIY exfoliators as some of the particles can be too large and rough for the skin, resulting in redness, irritation, and even tears on the skin. Walnut shells are one of those ingredients.
“Rubbing your skin raw—using scrubs that aren’t designed for the face—will only result in disaster: scabs, scars, infection and discoloration,” says aesthetician Breanna Thomas.
Instead, opt for sugar and salt to create your own DIY scrubs. Salt and sugar scrubs are much gentler on the skin. Alternatively, try an exfoliating serum like Rainbow’s Glow Serum which features glycolic acid and bakuchiol to gently dissolve dead skin cells and impurities from the skin’s surface, helping to improve skin tone, texture, and prevent breakouts.
DO: Use the Right Container
The right container can help keep your formula safe and stable. Fortunately, there are plenty available to choose from. You can either use clean jars and tubs, or pumps and spray valves that dispense your DIY formula without the need to open to the container, keeping it fresh for longer.
If you do choose a tub or jar, invest in a skincare spatula or spoon to scoop out product. Not only are they fun to use, they also prevent the transference of germs into your container, keeping your formula fresh and germ-free so that it lasts longer.
DON’T: Use Egg Whites to Tighten Skin
Egg whites do a great job of improving skin tone and elasticity, while minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. They can also offer relief for oily skin. However, you do need to be careful when using egg white on your skin. Egg white contains salmonella, a bacteria that can spell trouble for your stomach if you accidently consume it while applying it to your face.
For skin tightening effects, opt for antioxidant-rich natural ingredients like tea. Or, include Rainbow’s Tighten Serum in your daily skincare routine.
DO: Use the Right Amount
Whether you’re following a recipe or creating your own formula, always make sure you use the right amount of each ingredient you apply. Some ingredients can be beneficial when applied in small amounts, but potentially irritating if you use too much.
If you’re following a DIY beauty recipe, always follow the guidelines and measure the right amount of each ingredient. If you’re creating your own formula, do your research beforehand and ensure you use an amount that is safe and gentle enough for your skin.
DON’T: Use Toothpaste to Treat Pimples
Toothpaste has long been used as a DIY pimple treatment. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best — or safest — way to treat your zits. Most toothpastes contain peroxide and baking soda, which can be highly irritating to your skin. While it will reduce inflammation temporarily, it will eventually lead to irritation and possibly even hyperpigmentation once the acne has faded.
Spot treat with tea tree oil instead. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that’s been clinically proven to reduce acne. Further studies show that people who used tea tree oil to treat their blemishes experienced less dry skin and irritation than when they used benzoyl peroxide — a well-known acne-fighter.
DO: Finish Your Routine with Sunscreen
It doesn’t matter what DIY skincare formula you use, always end your am routine with a generous layer of SPF 30 or higher to keep skin protected from harmful UV rays. Ideally, your routine should start with a gentle cleanser designed for your skin type, followed by your DIY beauty products, and finished with sun lotion.
DON’T: Use Lemon Juice to Brighten Skin
Lemons are a no-no for skin.
According to New York dermatologist Dr. Doris Day, “Lemons have a chemical called psoralen, and the psoralen makes you exquisitely sensitive to light. It activates in about 10 to 15 minutes, and it takes about 24 hours to wear off. So if you do that, and go out in the sun, you can actually blister.”
Unless you want to end up red and raw, avoid putting lemon juice on your skin.
Try a brightening face mask instead like Rainbow’s Glow Mask.
DO: Use Your DIY Skincare Formula Within a Few Days Or Less
Whether you’re creating a DIY toner, face mask, lip balm, or moisturizer, make sure you store it correctly and use it while it’s free. Unless you apply preservatives, DIY beauty products usually don’t last that long. To ensure you get the best results without irritation and dryness, aim to use up product within a few days. Some last longer than others, so it’s worth doing your research to find out how long each one lasts.
Creating DIY skincare products is a fun and affordable way to improve the appearance of your skin. However, it’s important to know what you can and shouldn’t apply on your face to avoid irritating your skin. These do’s and don’ts should help you navigate the world of DIY skincare so you can enjoy all the benefits and none of the irritation!