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How to Fix Flaky Skin, FAST

How to Fix Flaky Skin, FAST

Dry, flaky skin can result from a number of factors including harsh soaps and cleansers, hot water, changing temperatures, and skin conditions such as eczema.

Fortunately, it’s not too hard to clear up flaking skin. Here are some quick fixes if you’re dealing with dry skin and flakiness.


#1: Buff Away Dryness

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. Not only does it help to buff away dry patches and flakiness, exfoliation also allows skincare products like serums and creams to penetrate deeper into the skin, maximizing their effectiveness.

There are two methods of exfoliation: physical exfoliation and chemical exfoliation. The former involves manually buffing away dead skin using products like scrubs and washcloths. The latter method involves the use of acids such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) to dissolve dead skin cells.

We like chemical exfoliation the best, since it’s generally the most well tolerated by all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Try Rainbow’s Glow Serum to gently buff away dry, flaky skin. It contains glycolic acid and bakuchiol to brighten and smooth skin instantly.


#2: Hydrate with Nourishing Oils

Natural oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil are all excellent at maintaining hydrated, healthy skin. Try to include them in your skincare routine to turn dehydrated skin around. You’ll find these oils in all kinds of skincare products, ranging from cleansers to serums to creams and lotions. Make them part of your year-round routine to keep flaky, itchy skin at bay.


#3: Try a Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant that holds 1,000 times its own weight in water. In addition to attracting and sealing in water, hyaluronic acid helps to plump out fine lines and wrinkles while bolstering skin barrier function. We recommend using a hyaluronic acid-based product in your daily skincare routine. You can also use include it in your bodycare routine after showering to keep skin smooth and soft.

Another effective humectant is glycerin. You’ll find glycerin in most skincare products, especially hydrating ones.

Try Rainbow’s Hydrate Serum, which contains a blend of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5 to deeply moisturize skin.


#4: Make Use of Moisturizing Face Masks

Face masks stay longer on the skin, so they can deeply hydrate dry, flaky skin. Look for a mask infused with ceramides, emollients, or humectants. One of our favorites is Rainbow’s Hydrate Mask. It contains a nourishing blend of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5 to drench skin in lasting moisture and leave skin feeling instantly smoother and softer.

Aim to leave the mask on for 10-20 minutes to allow it to fully penetrate the skin. Follow up with a lightweight moisturizer and sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.


#5: Layer on a Thick Lotion

To help seal in long-lasting moisture, finish your nighttime skincare routine with a rich lotion. Ideally, you want a cream or lotion that contains emollients and humectants like shea butter, coconut oil, and hyaluronic acid. If you’ve got sensitive skin, try looking for a fragrance-free formula, which will be less irritating on the skin. You’ll also want to avoid products that contain sulfates, which can also dry out the skin.

Those dealing with dry, flaky skin on the body should also invest in a nourishing body lotion to keep the body smooth and hydrated.


#6: Start Taking Cool Showers

Hot showers are known for drying out the skin. That’s because hot water strips the skin of natural oils, leaving it prone to drying out. Skin can also become much more easily irritated when exposed to hot water. To keep skin healthy, try showering in cool water. The cool water will soothe skin and prevent skin from drying out. It will also prevent unpleasant effects like flaking and itching.


#7: Invest in a Humidifier

A humidifier can be a great investment if you’ve got dry skin or a skin condition like dermatitis. Humidifiers work by adding moisture to the air. Since dry air is a common contributor of dry skin, it’s worth adding a humidifier into the room. Aim to add one in the room you use the most, whether that’s your office, bedroom, or lounge. You can even put one in every room of your house to keep the air humid and your skin hydrated.


#8: Try Slugging

If you’ve got dry skin and you’re not prone to breakouts, slugging can be an effective way to lock in moisture and stop your skin from drying out. So, what exactly is slugging? Slugging is the process of applying a thick emollient like petroleum jelly (Vaseline) to your skin as the last step of your pm routine, and leaving it on overnight. It acts like a sealant, restoring skin’s moisture and keeping it hydrated.

While it’s a TikTok beauty trend, some dermatologists even swear by the process for treating severely dry skin. It’s definitely worth a try if you’re looking for overnight relief.


#9: Visit a Dermatologist

Tried all the tips above and your skin is still dry and flaky? You might be suffering from a skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis. In this case, you’d be best consulting a dermatologist for professional advice.

Dry, flaky skin is normally nothing to be concerned about. However, if the products you use aren’t helping and you’re dealing with other unpleasant symptoms, we recommend seeking professional dermatological advice.


Got flaky skin? The above tips should help provide quick relief. When you have dry skin, it’s important to moisturize regularly and use gentle skincare products that won’t irritate or dry out the skin further. It’s also important to pay attention to the products currently in your routine. If any of them cause dryness or irritation, immediately remove them from your routine and replace them with gentler alternatives.

You can shop Rainbow products at, Walmart, and CVS.


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